One of the best conveniences for your home are music or movies that play anywhere. Better still is when they are experienced in all their glory, but not
seen. With the latest components from Control4 and our skill in designing high-performance systems, we bring the joy of entertainment to every room in your home. IIS makes the system as easy and convenient to use as a light switch, and virtually invisible. HDTV’s are available to fit any space. Speakers can be hidden in walls and ceilings, indoors or outside. Waterproof TV’s and speakers are used in baths, showers, pools and patios. Movie and album information can be displayed on any TV or small LCD touchpanel. The Beatles in the Master Bathroom? Oprah in the Kitchen? Your wish is our command.
Our expert staff includes electricians and electronics experts. Call us with any questions. We are here when you need us - just a phone call away.
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